
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ikuta Toma- Hanamizuki Random Report

Konnichiwa minna-san,
 +I know, I wont able to watch eiga with u+
4 days after Hanamizuki was released in Japan..
I wish, I could watch this movie from my country because there's rumors that this movie will be shown in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand
and 4 other countries(not sure yet) thanx Jessica-chan for this information and [credit], I hope the other 4 country, Malaysia will be include hehe-

Owh someone, please bring me to Japan!! Cant wait anymore-I really2 wanna see this movie, because toma asked me hehe-

Toma's Room
8/21 vol.384


Finally, it's the first day of Hanamizuki

Thank you!!

Anyone of you haven't watched it yet?….I don't think so??

Hurry up and go watch it~!!

Today I have lots of different feelings coming towards me,
so I guess I'm just going to continue next time.


credit:jessica-chan, rei-chan and mizza-chan
and the other reason that I wanna see this movie is because Hanamizuki no.1 in Box office..fufufu.. I'm sure it was sweet movie.. with a sweet couple Toma and Gakky *ye saya jeles ni* cz mashi only heard a good thing bout this movie.. if you have watched Hanamizuki SP from Hana's blog, I guess you'll know why mashi really excited bout this..for those who havent watched yet... click dozou-
random from LJ:
Gakky has a beautiful nape, click HERE
Hanamizuki Special Tribute, click HERE [credit:nekonekorocketo@LJ]
Hanamizuki Icon, HERE [credit:strawple@LJ]

fufufu..attention to wawa mai kawaii tomodachi..muleh tak request kt ur manager, tayangkan Hanamizuki neh kat Malaysia hehe...owh terlalu besar permintaan mashi yew huhu-
and yesterday.. *wide smile* mai otosan give me kawaii present.. mood hanamizuki tau
otosan: nah, nanti bayar balik..
mashi: eh?! bayar ape? *sambil2 tengok mende dalam plastik*
otosan: bayar balik la.. dapat discount tuh..
mashi: owh thank you2.. bayar harga selepas discount yew *wink2*

p/s:dialog sebenar tak sekaku cmni mashi very close with otosan hehe-
actually mashi da lama nak beli jam..tapi xde yang berkenan di hati.. that's why mai otosan belikan..hak3.. seyes.. mashi amat susah nak kekal dengan jam if xserasi huhu, kalo jam tu xhilang tiba-tiba..kemungkinan dia tak ley gerak w/pon tukar battery hurm.. hope this one kekal la.. yew.. hee-


生田MIZZA said...

heheee... comey la jam. kaler pinl lg.. :P

マシトマ said...

muehehe..thu xpe..mai otosan kata..kalo nk tggu senpai beli..mau berkurun ;p