Onion Gratin Soup
I've like it since high school
Onion Gratin Soup is my favourite dish. I like the hotel's delicious soup, but, it's now on the menu in most places. A long time ago I liked Corn Porter Juice Soup (no clue what that is) however, in high school I started liking cheese, and because of that got into onion gratin soup!
♡Love02 音楽。 寝るときも聴いてます携帯用音楽プレイヤーは手ばなせない。夏にポータブルのステレオも買ったから、撮影現場でも、まず電源を探す(笑)!で、音楽を流します。プレイリストも一時期、こって作ってて、"ガンッガンのロック"とか"寝るとき用"とか。"寝り道用"は「今日もお疲れ、俺!」みたいな感じ(笑)。
When I sleep I listen to my mp3 player. I bought a portable stereo in the summer, so at the photography set, I'm always looking for electric outlets (lol)! from the music to flow from. When I make playlists, I ask myself what sort of time I'll listen, so "Noisy Rock" or "Sleepy". "Sleeping Way type" is for when I have a "Today I'm tired" sort of feeling (lol).
♡Love03 ハンバーグ。 彼女には修行させます! ハンバーグは昔っから好き。家でも食べたし、ファミレスでもぜったいにハンバーグだった(笑)。今でも月に1回は必ず食べるよ。味は洋風っぽいソースのほうが好き。彼女になる人には作ってもらいたいから、作れなかったら修行してもらいます!! "ちょっと小麦粉っぽい感じ" のほうが好きかな。
Girlfriend trained me!
I've liked hamburgers for a long time. Even if I ate at home, I definitely get a hamburger at a family restaurant (lol). Even now, I definitely eat it at least once a month. I like it western style with sauce. When getting a girlfriend, you ask if they want to go get something, if they don't you find out they're not interested. I like it when there is a "somewhat flour-y feeling".
(I think this is the worsted translated one... Toma stop using advanced grammar onegai~ T___T)
♡Love04 蒸しタオル。 「お疲れさま」の儀式!? その日の仕事がぜんぶ終わったときに、メイクさんが作ってくれる蒸しタオルがすっごく好き。「一日終わった!」って感じがするんだよね。もうね、「......う~~ッ!!」って心の底から言っちゃうぐらい、気持ちいい。かなり熱いぐらいのほうが好きだから、たまにぬるいとガッカリする(笑)。
Steamed towels.
"Good work" ritual!?
That day when I completely finish all my work, the make-up person makes a steamed towel and I really like it. I feel like "I've finished another day!" Also, I go "Oo~" from the bottom of my heart, it feels really good. Since I like it when it's really really hot, if it's lukewarm I get a little disappointed. (lol)
♡Love05 牛乳。 ガムシロップを入れて 牛乳は昔から好きだったんだけど、「最近、飲んでないなぁ」と思って、またの飲みだしてる。高校ぐらいのときに牛乳にガムシロップを入れて飲むこと知ったときは、「うまッ!!」って思ったよね。だからいまだにお店で飲むときはガムシロップをいっしょにたのむクセが(笑)。家では朝とか夜によく飲んでるよ。
I put in gum syrup
I've liked milk since a long time ago, but I thought "Recently I haven't drank it", and started drinking it again. Around high school time, I thought to put gum syrup in milk and thought that it was really good! So even now when I go to the convenience store, I still drink them together as a habit. At home, I often drink it in the morning and at night.
♡Love06 デコあげ。 ふだんモードの髪にドキッ 女のコが髪を結んで、"ちょんまげ"とか、"デコあげ"にしてるのも好き。きっと"ふだんモード"な感じがカワイイんだと思う。後ろで結ぶのもアリだけど、そのときは、でしれば2本で結んでほしいです(笑)。
Decoage. (no clue what this is)
Every day hair style
I like it when girls do their hair in "topknots" and put in "decoage". It feels like a usual hairstyle, but I think it's cute. Tie everything up in the back, and then tie it up with 2 sticks. (lol)
♡Love07 女の子のひざ。 ブーツとパンツのあいだ女の子のひざって、かわいいと思う。ハーフパンツやワンピースとブーツの間から見える、あの感じが好き。でも一度ドラマでスカートをはいたとき、脚がスースー涼しくて、女の人って大変だな~と思ったよ。
Girl's Knees.
The interval between boots and pants, girl's knees, I think they're cute. From capris to dresses with boots, I like that feeling when I can see the interval. But once at a drama when I was wearing a skirt, I feel a cool sensation against my leg, and I thought this must be terrible for women.
♡Love08 ウチの犬。 帰ると走ってくるんだよ。 ウチの犬は3歳のトイプードル。毛の色は茶色です。でも俺、いわゆるプードルっぽい"おしゃれカット"みたいなヤツがすごいキライだから、わりと自然な感じにしてるよ。俺が家に帰ると、必ずオモチャとか骨をくわえてターッと駆け寄ってくる、すごく賢いです。
House dog.
To come back and go running.
My dog is a three year old toy poodle. His fur is brown. But I, ... what is it called, the poodle-like "stylish cut", I don't like it on him, it doesn't feel compatable to his nature. When I come home, he always runs over with a toy or bone in his mouth, he's so clever.
♡Love09 コーヒー。 けっこう甘いのが好き コーヒーは現場にあれば飲んじゃうし、コンビ二に行くと買っちゃうね。好きなのは、コンビニで売ってるコーヒー店のラテ。けっこう甘いのが好きなんだよね。ホットで飲むときも砂糖を入れる ......あれ? 俺って、けっこう子供?(笑)。
I like it tolerably sweet
If there isn't coffee to drink, I definitely go to the convenience story and buy it. I really like convenience stores that sell coffee shop lattes. I like them tolerably sweet. When I drink something hot and add sugar...... Huh? Am I very childish? (lol)
♡Love10 ベッドスパ めっちゃ気持ちよかったよ ベッドスパっていう頭のマッサージを、このあいだ初めてやってもらったよ。美容院でやってもらったんだけど、メチャクチャ気持ちよかった!部屋を暗めにしてヒーリング音楽をかけて1時間ぐらい。「男がスパって!」みたいな苦手意識があったんだけど、疲れもとれるし、あれ、いいよ!!(笑)
Ridiculously good feeling
The first time I recieved a head massage was at a bedspa. Although when its done at a beauty parlor, it's an excessively good feeling! For about one hour, the room becomes dark and healing music is put on. "A guy at a spa!", I know such things are hard to deal with, but, when I want to wind down, hey, its good!
♡Love11 X JAPAN。 HIDEさんが大好きなんだ X JAPANにガッシリとハマったのは、HIDEさんが亡くなってから。亡くなった日、コンサート前にジュニアの仲間に聞かされて、みんなですっごい落ち込んだのを覚えてるよ。HIDEさんは人間的にもカッコよくて大好き。俺が「ウエストサイド・ストーリー」で髪を赤くしたのも、HIDEさんへの想いがあったからなんだよ。
X Japan.
I really like Hide
I really fell for X Japan, and then Hide died. On the day he died, before the concert, one of my junior friends informed us, and I remember everyone was really in a slump. Hide was human, but also very~cool, and that's why I liked him. When I had my red Westside Story hair, I was reminded of Hide.
♡Love12 GUNS N’ ROSES。 曲もヴィジュアルもいいね 好きになったのは2年ぐらい前。劇団☆新感線のいのうえ(ひでのり)さんがDVDを貸してくれて、見たら、もうソッコーでハマった。初期のPVで、当時はヴォーカルのアクセルがメチャメチャきれいでヴィジュアル系で。このあいだの来日ライヴも見に行ったよ。超ガタイのいい兄ちゃんたちに囲まれて、ガシガシひじ鉄を食らいなから、見てました(笑)。
Guns N' Roses.
Good songs and visual (appearance?)
I started liking them about 2 years ago. Theatre Company☆Shinkansen's Inoue (Hidenori) lent me a DVD, I watched it, by the end I had gotten into them. Axel's vocals in the early pv's was really really beautiful, as was the visual. I went to see them live during their recent vist to Japan. I was surrounded by really hard (body-builder) lads, and was roughly hit on the elbow when I watched.
♡Love13 マンガ 泣いたり笑ったり ちっちゃいころからマンガが好き。くり返し読むほうで、「ドラゴンボール」「幽々白書」「キャプテン翼」、あと「かっとび一斗」ってサッカーマンガが好きだった。泣いたのは「シュート!」「ONE PIECE」。最近も「クローズ」「WORST」「20世紀少年」はぜんぶ読んでるよ。
Both crying and laughing
From the time I was rea~lly little I liked manga. I repeatedly read "Dragon Ball", "Yuu Yuu Hakusho", "Captain Tsubasa", then I like "Kattobi Itto" soccer manga. I cried during "Shoot!" and "One Piece". Also recently, I've read "Crows", "Worst", "20th Century Boys".
帽子。 最近はハット好き 朝は寝グセのまま出ちゃうから、基本、いつも帽子です。だから俺、ワックスも持ってないんだよ!キャップもニットもハットも持ってるけど、今はハットばっかりかぶってるね。部屋にドカッと置いてあります。
Recently I like hats.
Because I occasionally have bed-hair in the morning, standardly(??), I always have a hat. Therefore I don't have wax (hair wax)! While I have caps, knits, and hats, right now I don't wear anything but hats (that's a lie, you wear clothes Toma. stop teasing us. In rooms I thuddingly take it off.
♡Love15 BACKSTREET BOYS。 ライヴは3回とも行ってるよ。バックストリート・ボーイズは大ヒットした「ミレニアム」っていうアルバムを聴いて、好きになった。高校のときだったと思うな。音楽的にもいい曲が多いからもちろん好きだし、それにルックスも好き。日本に3回くらい来てると思うんだけど、そのぜんぶに行ってるよ。
Backstreet Boys.
I've gone to see them live around three times. Backstreet Boys made a bit hit with Millennium, when I listened to that album, I started liking it. I think it was in high school. I of course liked that they had many music styles and good songs, and besides that I liked their looks. Although I think they only came to Japan three times, I went to see them all of those times.
♡Love 16 小栗旬 もう地元仲間みたい!? 小栗旬くんとは、もう ″地元の友だち感覚″になってきちゃってる(笑)。このあいだは旬くんの家で、ホームシアター・セットが届くのを、いっしょに持っていたぐらい。なかなか来なくて、セッティングしたら今度は音が出なくて。「どーする?」「もういいや」って、そのままごはんに行った(笑)。役者として尊敬できるし、「舞台いっしょにやりたいよね」とか、いっしょにいると夢が広がる存在です。
Oguri Shun
It seems he's already a home town companion!?
Oguri Shun, already there has become a sense of home town friends(lol). There was this time at Shun's house, the home theater set arrived, and together we carried it. It wasn't easy, and then we were trying to do up the settings, but the sound wouldn't come out. "How about now?" "Still no." With no change (in the situation), we went to eat (lol). As for being able to respect him as an actor, "We want to do stage plays together~~♥", among other things, we want to spread our dreams into existance together.
♡Love17 「花ざかりの君たちへ」。 すごく楽しい現場 みんな仲がよかったし、ほんとにすごく楽しい現場だったよ。堀北真希ちゃんも、旬くんや俺が夜仲になって疲れてくると、「がんばろうよ!」って明けるく言ってくれて。俺と旬くんはずいぶん救われてた(笑)。現場のいい雰囲気がそのまま画面にもでてたと思うし、忘れられない作品になりましたね。
Hanazakari no Kimitachi he.
It was a really fun scene
Everyone's relationship was good, it was a terribly enjoyable situation. Horikita Maki and Oguri Shun, when we got really tired by midnight would say "Come on, keep going!", until dawn. Shun really helped me out! (lol) The situation had a really good atmosphere, which I think was not changed on screen, I'm never going to forget this work.
♡Love18 舞台。 いい舞台は、うれし くやしい! 舞台は出るのはもちろん、観るのも好き。知り合いの舞台だけでなく、いい噂を聞いたり、演劇雑誌で気になると観にいくよ。このあいだ部屋を整理していたら、これまでに見た芝居のチケットがでてきて、すごい数でビックリした!いいお芝居を観て帰るときって、本当にいい気持ちになれるよね。でも同時に「なんで俺、出てないんだる?」ってくやしくもなる。俺も、くやしがらせたいって思うよ。
Stage plays.
Good stage plays are both fun and vexing!
Of course I like to appear in stage plays, but I also like to watch them. With my stage play acquiantances, if we hear rumours, when we see a play the play review magazines are on our minds. This one time when the room arrangements were made, I had seen the play tickets before hand, and the large amount surprised me! When I come back after watching a good play, I feel really good. But at the same time I regret "Why wasn't I in that?". Also, I think I become vexed.
hehe.. nice + cute info ne.. ^^
ahaha.. yup2.. ^^
ahaha.. yup2.. ^^
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